Ue5 using 100% gpu in an empty/default scene

Hi, I noticed in task manager that ue5 is using 100% of gpu in a default third person template scene, same goes for a completely blank scene. Turning Realtime off gets it to 30% usage.

However, Valley of the Ancient runs normaly as expected, using around 25%. Any idea what is going on?

gpu is rtx 3080

Thanks for any suggestions in advance :slight_smile:


Are you running without vsync limitation? What’s the frame rate?

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hey man, thanks, locking framerate to 60 fps actually worked, gpu is now at 50% load. Initially it was 120 fps

t.MaxFPS 60 used this command to limit the frame rate.
Any idea if this could be done permanently for the engine?

Yes pretty sure there’s a setting for that in Editor Preferences, or you can change/add a line in your project’s DefaultEngine.ini.

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Adding line t.MaxFPS 60 to config works, same as setting “fixed frame rate” in project settings, thanks!


i had 98% gpu compsumption on packaged shipping build, then ran r.vsync 1 and t.maxfps 60 and dropped to about 30%

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Running a RTX 3060 12gb card (with 12/12/23 gaming drivers) at fixed frame rate of 30 and runs my card up to 43% load. I was wondering why, but I’m running a 4k monitor… If I drop to 1920x1080 it drops to about 22% load, but can’t get used to it after doing 4k for years… hope this helps someone!

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Hello pls show where in i must put the that line at to config? where that config file!?

In 5.3.2, Project Settings–> All Settings–> search “fixed”, check “Use Fixed Frame Rate”, and change “Fixed Frame Rate” to something manageable. I have it set to 30, and I use NZXT app mini menu to monitor the GPU load, sits around 35% when I have my UE open to about 1/3 of screen on 4k monitor w/3060 12gb.


Thank you i’ll try it!

I have a kind same problem with my project suddenly my ram and gpu using 100% ,i don’t why . I have no idea what to do if any one have solution please give it

This can definitively be a solution to GPU Timeout crashes. I had constant GPU TImeouts before setting this… There should be a user-facing warning for this.

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