UE5 Translate, Rotate, and Transform completely missing

Part of the reason I haven’t switched to UE5 is because I seem to consistently have issues with my Gizmos disappearing. After cycling between play and editor multiple times, my Translate, Rotate, and Transform gizmos are completely invisible in editor when selecting objects. The only way I’ve been able to fix it is to restart the editor.

Things I’ve Tried

Just to check: you have to click on the main window ( in the picture ) before using the G key.


That is correct. The only time I can see any gismos once it’s bugged out is when I enter PIE mode.


Same issue, gizmo randomly disappears and it’s not turning game mode on and off, any solution?

The only solution I’ve found is to re-open the level you’re in. Super simple temporary fix, weird bug though.

you need to go to selection mode

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Well spotted. But how do you get in ‘no mode’?.. :rofl: