UE5 | Times of War - BetterLightThanNever

Title: Times of War

Times of War - Video Link (0:27)

Description: The Hero of this story reaches deep within to revisit many a frontiers of his past battles. Recalling the weather, the smell and most importantly the light! - or so it seems…

Screenshots and Captures

Level Sequencer with Forge scene in shot

Overview of the Forge scene

Overview of the forest, forge, fields and studio setup

Overview of the Lighting modes in the forge scene (my favorite)

Extra Screens:

Engine Version: UE5
Lighting Method: Lumen
Student Submission: No

Notes and Review

This challenge was quite interesting and tough to get right. It was a good chance to put my mental theory on level streaming into practice. My PC truly suffered for this challenge ! Always loaded levels + Lumen, brought it to its knees - I’m talking 10 fps - But nonetheless it gave me an opportunity to test Lumen’s speed. Talking of speed, I know Lumen isn’t built for fast switching levels but it would be good to have the option of really pushing the update and gather speed of Lumen!

What’s great with Lumen is, I can essentially light the scene how I would when shooting a narrative piece or and commercial. Want some negative fill? Just pop a dark plane next to the subject. Crazy! My background is in film and I work as a Cinematographer - seeing those methods translate over is an exciting start to this new era in real-time lighting!

Tech Notes

Obviously with my PC crumbling to its knees I had another key issue. The movie renderer would just crash as soon as I tried to render the clip - I suspect the culprit is the level sequencer bugging out with all the levels being loaded in the unloaded via my direction in the sequencer? (I’ll need to file a bug report) As a result I’ve had to screen-record the engine, apologies for the low fps!

Personal Background

My Name is Shaka Agina and my background is primarily in film. I work as a cinematographer and you can find my portfolio here - shakaagina.com // I happen to have an Artstation portfolio too! - ArtStation - Shaka Agina

If I wasn’t working in film. I’d be working in games! I have a deep love for light and interpretation whatever the medium, and hope to bridge a gap from lighting in films to lighting in games, and look forward to the near future when I make that transition.

Credits to sourced content:


Marketplace Content:

  • Anamorphic Depth of Field for Cinematics
  • Countryside: Windmills & Barns
  • Horror dry realistic Forest
  • Matte Painting Skybox Pack VIII: Doom Skies
  • Medieval forge with props
  • Real Fire Pack 2d Effect Pack
  • Studio Shoot Props
  • VFX Bundle 2

Music and Sfx (Freesound.org):

  • War noises by Gkillhour
  • Ambient battle noises by Pfranzen
  • Ambient location level by Kickhat
  • Car on fire by Florianreichelt
  • Wind realistic by InspectorJ

Favorite Scene Poll!

And a poll to top it off! Vote for your favorite scene below!

  • The Battle Forest
  • The Burning Forge
  • The Fields of Peace
  • The Studio of Solitude
0 voters
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