Hello there!
I guess this topic has already been brought yet i couldn’t find the answer. I just discovered that UE5 doesn’t support tesselation anymore. I’m trying to bring substance designer material with height variation into the engine. While putting it onto plane I came up with idea to import custom object from Blender. Here is where the problem lies as I don’t know how to properly calculate number of subdivisions. Do you know to do it the correct way?
P.S. What about decals? They doesn’t allow to add custom geometry.
As far as I’m aware, there’s no direct substitute to tesselation.
For that blender method you can just crank up the subdivisions to something wack (not forgetting to then actually apply it rather than letting it just sit in the modifiers tab) and then use the decimate modifier to bring it down to something reasonable after you’ve added your height and other properties.