UE5 Tank Controls Turn Speed Issue

So I’m making a tank controls RE1/2/3 style game, and followed this tutorial

Relevant timestamp: 23:45

The tank tutorial was very good, but when I test input for turning, my character turns very very very slowly.
Fixes I’ve found detail changing the yaw in the Blueprint Details.
But changing that value does absolutely nothing; the value can be -100 to 100, with literally no change in output.

I’ve tried adding a variable to filter through before or after the Plus part for the yaw.
I’ve tried Multiply instead of Plus, but that really breaks everything.

Any help is much appreciated, as I can’t test much more of my game without being able to turn at a decent speed. Thanks!

Multiply this value. Or add scalar modifier to the IA:

Perfect! Thank you so much; adding the Scalar to IA_Move fixed it

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