UE5 takes multiple of hours to download

So I am downloading unreal engine 5, and after about 5 hours, I dont even have 40%, maybe my wifi connection? I have an AMD ryzen 5 5600G, 16GB RAM and I use Windows 10 - 64bit
I am kinda worried, since people are saying this should take about 30 minutes.

That does sound like your connection. 30 mins is a bit of an exaggeration, but 1hr would be ok.

Are you using a proxy, firewall, VPN etc?

Take a look at speedtest.net to check your speed.

( It also depends what options you chose, 1hr would be defaults ).

网速快的话,下载UE5 2个小时就会下载完,你中途停止或者关闭电脑,从新打开电脑再下载的话,它会提示你c盘或者d盘里的文件夹有东西,这时候从新建一个文件夹就可以下载了。

I’m having the same issue. The first 10% or so goes at my max internet speed, 11-14MB/s, but then drops off to 500kB/s. Does this for both current 5.0.3 and 5.1 preview. No other epic store downloads have done that before.

Other people were posting that it only took them a couple hours, but this will definitely be overnight or longer for me. Maybe it depends what server you are downloading from? I’m near the great lakes in the US. But still, no other epic downloads or installs slow to this level and I’ve been trying most of today.

It also seems the listed install size is incorrect. If you go into options while selecting download location you can uncheck items you don’t plan to use and shows an updated estimated install size. Shows a 30 gig install size for what I selected, but at 40% complete the folder size was up to 80+ gB. Found some reddit posts stating that it showed the same 30 some gig install size before beginning but ended up over 100 gigs when done.

There’s a bug in the installer. You can change the options and confirm. Then, shortly afterwards, change them back, and you should just have 30.

I noticed the same download speed problem in the past, too. Starts fast, then drops off a cliff.

I am having the same problem. From 11 am to 11 pm yesterday it got to 30% on an ethernet connection with 300Mbps. I went to bed, woke up this morning at 10 am and it was still at 30%. Did anyone find a solution?

The epic journey of installing UE 5

Same problem, had it installing overnight - got hit with kidney stone - passed it woke up at 10 AM - its still at 90% then it failed. Tried it again during the day - and failed for another error. This is my 4th try now/ I’m deleting everything and retrying on a clean slate. got 1T of storage, internet is fine and the external HD is ExFat. am I missing anything?


Same here. 500+ Mbps internet speed (tested), ExFAT external drive (about 1TB free space). I’m installing the minimum possible. The progress is 70% after 24 hours.

If you use older DSL like me, it takes about 8 to 10 hours to download. The max download speed is about 1 GB every 15 minutes, great ping tho. Your pc specs won’t make any difference, only download speed and possibly the wifi connection if it isn’t solid.

It’s actually ridiculous that we are still dealing with this same issue literally YEARS LATER. No wonder steam eats your lunch daily and even devs who make games with UE5 can’t wait to release to steam. Your platform is hot trash, no support, no fixes, no updates.