Hey there!
I’m trying to use the TakeRecorder plugin in UE5, as far as I understand the sequence recorder available in UE4 has been replaced by this plugin. So far so good, I can use it from the Editor, I can use it via BPs, wonderful. But now I’d like to use it in C++ in a standalone application and it looks like it’s not possible.
I’ve written some code copying from a Youtube video, the code compiles ok but I get this message while packaging.
Unable to instantiate module 'UnrealEd': Unable to instantiate UnrealEd module for non-editor targets.
(referenced via Target -> ThirdPersonCppTest.Build.cs -> TakeRecorder.Build.cs -> TakeTrackRecorders.Build.cs -> TakesCore.Build.cs -> MovieSceneTools.Build.cs)
Took 1.0147108s to run dotnet, ExitCode=6
My .uproject file has just Engine and TakeRecorder as dependencies but I see that TakeRecorder has a lot of dependencies and the chain reported in the error actually makes sense.
So the questions are:
- how can I record a gameplay sequence in a standalone application without using the Editor? Should I create another plugin copying TakeRecorder and removing everything that’s Editor-dependent?
- why it was possible to do all this in UE4 and is not possible in UE5? It’s so strange!
Thanks for all the help,