(UE5) Source Control issues using GitHub

Good evening,
we are about to start a project and we need to connect our Main Session in Source Controll.

To do this, we’re using github. I’m going to list the steps that I (as host) did and the steps that other developers followed:

Steps I performed:
on my PC I installed Git, the Git LFS library and I initialized them both. I registered a GitHub

account, installed GitHub Desktop, and completed the configuration. From Unreal Engine, I created a Blank Project and configured Source Control with Git.

After doing this from GitHub Desktop I added an existing repository with a path, the newly created project folder. Finally, I made the repository public to allow other developers to access it. From the GitHub dashboard, I added them as contributors by inviting them by email.

Steps performed by them:
have installed Git and Git LFS, created a GitHub account, and downloaded GitHub Desktop. They accepted the email invitation, added the repository to their account, and clicked on “Open in GitHub Desktop”. They listed the “Unreal Projects” folder as the destination path.
The developer from imac managed to open the project without any problem, while the two developers from Windows receive the two errors you see in photos 2 and 3.

What could be the problem?



Were you able find a solution to this problem. I am also having the same problem. I tried modifying the .gitignore file but it didn’t work. Would appreciate a lot if someone could help with this problem.

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