UE5 [Source Build] Load Error "Field Type UberGraphFrame does not exist"

Hello. I decided to build UE5 from source to get around some bugs with EA2. I managed to get a compiled build working correctly (from commit 85fe411d924d45f73d7291e73e15cfac0a08b7eb). But whenever I open my project (or when I load my level after migrating it to a new project) I get the following error:

Assertion failed: FieldClassPtr [File:Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\Field.cpp] [Line: 983] Field type UberGraphFrame does not exist

Is this an error with the engine that I’ll have to wait until a fix is committed and re-compile the engine, or could this be my project using something that’s changed/been removed since UE5 EA2. It seems to be the former but I’m not sure. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

This does not exist in 5.0, but it did exist in 4.27

in 5.0 code blueprint generate classes its been DEPRECATED

TObjectPtr<class UStructProperty> UberGraphFramePointerProperty_DEPRECATED;	D:\Source\Repos\UE50EA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\BlueprintGeneratedClass.h	683	36

Some thing has changed in Blueprints EA2 was mostly based on 4.26

I have been reading the new UE5 Migration document
Unreal Engine 5 Migration Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation
In the section " C++ Object Pointer Properties"
There is a description of the way that “UberGraphFrame” has changed
This is the UE4 Version
UbergraphPages | Unreal Engine Documentation
TArray< UEdGraph * > UbergraphPages

This is the UE5 Version
UbergraphPages | Unreal Engine Documentation
TArray< TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > > UbergraphPages

In the UE5 Migration manual, there is a section on the use of an upgrade project built into the UE 5 source.

Optional Conversion Tool

UE5 includes UnrealObjectPtrTool, a program that automatically converts engine-visible raw pointer properties to the TObjectPtr system

The UE5 Migration documentation is new and only posted when the release version of UE5 was posted.

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Thanks for the info, that would explain the error. I’m using a UE4 asset and that seems to be what throws this error so I will have to modify the asset.

Thank you for the help

Follow up: How would I go about fixing this? I can’t even open most blueprints without triggering the error (which crashes the editor) and I’m still not sure what is causing it to be thrown (whether it’s a specific blueprint or something else). I don’t have any C++ in my project at the moment. Sometimes the error is even thrown just trying to open my project and crashes the editor.

Hi you have to modify the assets/blueprints in UE4.26, NOT UE4.27 before moving to UE5
Firstly though you need to test with my latest GitHub Fork for UE5
(Visual Studio 2022 RC 2 builds and runs UE5.0) to see if you get the same errors

If this when built still does not work then you need to convert Blueprint to C++ in version 4.26 which will then compile in UE5 as no blueprint conversion takes place.

How To Convert a Blueprint Unreal Project to C++ (rhycesmith.com)

Now its compiled you can convert it back with the answer from here
How To Convert a C++ Unreal Project to Blueprint (rhycesmith.com)
I am not that clever on blueprints my skill is in C++

The final release of VS2022 come out on 8th November 2021, and I am assured that VS2022 will be the Official Build system for UE 5 as MS and UE have fixed the problems in UE 4.27/VS2022 builds. VS2022 will only compile UE4.26 if its the only VS compiler on your system.

I would be keen to know if its works for you on my ue5 fork

I’ve got the same issue. I’m trying to convert from 4.27 to 5.0 and the editor will never even complete opening. I have no idea what asset I’d need to adjust in 4.27 to fix this. Any advice on how to figure that out?

In my case, I was using an asset (EasyBuildSystem) that utilized the ApexDestruction plugin - which no longer exists in UE5. As for how to go about debugging/fixing such errors, I have no idea, I never figured it out and went back to working in UE4 until UE5 stable came out and the assets I needed got updated to solve their issues with UE5. My only suggestion would be to make a backup copy of the project and delete plugins from it to see if one of them is causing the issue.

My project is completely UMG. No 3D assets. I have a few editor plugins like Electronic Nodes, which other projects had so I’m not sure what it would be. I’ll try turning all those off and see what happens. Can’t get worse I guess. :slight_smile:

I tried to figure this out last night. The closest I can figure is there’s something in my GameInstance. Any BP or map that references a BP that references the GI seems to crash. Most do, so I can’t do jack in this project. No idea what to do now.

Hi @andrewjm2000
Make a copy of your project in 4.27 then go into 4.27 and delete the old Plugins and Save ALL then exit 4.27.

Go into the Epic Market Place go to Library and on 5.0 tag click update, to 5.01.
Launch the UE5 browse the updated 4.27 copy of your project select it and open it. The old 4.27 will be converted to UE 5.01 in the new conversion
Click Edit → plugins and type Apex as in the picture then install the latest version for UE 5.01

Enable and restart UE Editor.
The project ApexDestructor should now work

Easy Building System v10 in Blueprints - for Unreal 5
Then install the new version UE5

Not sure I follow this completely, but I tried. What does ElectronicNodes have to do with Apex Destruction? I use EN, but not Apex. My other projects with EN had no issues converting.

From what I can tell, anything in my project that has a reference to the GameInstance BP will cause the editor to crash. I was able to get into the project in 5.01 by clearing all the editor prefs and loading a new map rather than my normal starting map. However, when I try to open one of my maps or blueprints that reference the GI, it crashes.

I have turned off all plugins for this project in 4.27. I only used these:

  • Darker Nodes
  • Electronic Nodes
  • Logic Driver Pro - Installed but never utilized
  • Node Graph Assistant
    *PSD2UMG Plugin - Installed but never utilized
  • Widget Thumbs

All of these were installed and/or used on other projects that had no issue converting to 5.0. This project is almost entirely UMG based, no 3D meshes anywhere. I’m not doing anything crazy or using features from any plugins. Just enhancing the editor experience.

The updated Easy Building System v10 in Blueprints for Unreal 5)
is now available. Download the updated version 10, please
I have been reading the new UE5 Migration document
Unreal Engine 5 Migration Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation
In the section " C++ Object Pointer Properties"
There is a description of the way that “UberGraphFrame” has changed
This is the UE4 Version
UbergraphPages | Unreal Engine Documentation
TArray< UEdGraph * > UbergraphPages

This is the UE5 Version
UbergraphPages | Unreal Engine Documentation
TArray< TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > > UbergraphPages

In the UE5 Migration manual, there is a section on the use of an upgrade project built into the UE 5 source.

Optional Conversion Tool

UE5 includes UnrealObjectPtrTool, a program that automatically converts engine-visible raw pointer properties to the TObjectPtr system

The UE5 Migration documentation is new and only posted when the release version of UE5 was posted.

Hi I can only understand basic BP, so being a C++ person I convert the BP project to C++ and then the conversion works. I can’t find any BP validation tools
The only thing I suggest is you find the latest version of all the plugins and replace them in the UE5.
I found that converting the BP to C++ in 4.27 and then converting to 5.0 works, but of course, you cannot use the BP in the same way.
I have been reading the new UE5 Migration document
Unreal Engine 5 Migration Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation

In the section " C++ Object Pointer Properties"

There is a description of the way that “UberGraphFrame” has changed
This is the UE4 Version
UbergraphPages | Unreal Engine Documentation
TArray< UEdGraph * > UbergraphPages

This is the UE5 Version
UbergraphPages | Unreal Engine Documentation
TArray< TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > > UbergraphPages

In the UE5 Migration manual, there is a section on the use of an upgrade project built into the UE 5 source.

Optional Conversion Tool

UE5 includes UnrealObjectPtrTool, a program that automatically converts engine-visible raw pointer properties to the TObjectPtr system

The UE5 Migration documentation is new and only posted when the release version of UE5 was posted.