UE5 Some function node can not use in Blueprint Thread Safe, and how can I do this anyway?

Like the pic shows,some curve-related fuction cant be use in Blueprint Thread Safe function because this can not be marked as “Thread safe”

How can I do it in Blueprint Thread Safe Function?

This kind of problem happens everywhere,Plz someone help me

move it to EventGraph, AnimationGraph is only for updating animation

Hmmm,for better performance consideration,Lyra project shows the way that we update the Locomotion’s data in ABP’s blueprint’s thread-safe function.I have followed its tutorial and it does make sense but I just cant fix the problem shows in the pic…

Some functions are not thread-safe and cannot/should not be called at thread-safe function.

GetSocketTransform read data from SceneComponent, which is by default handled by GameThread. The animation graph is run in multi-threaded, it might read an error data and/or causing crashes.

So the way to do it is put those default game-thread function into event graph and others into thread safe function?

Yes, most pure math operation is thread-safe, include functions like abs, clamp, etc.
While class reference related should be on event graph.

Thanks! I will try and find the balance way to do it!

Hi bro!
Do you know if there has an way to communicate between BlueprintThreadSafeUpdateAnimation and EventGraph?

Now I am separate those game-thread node in EventGraph from BlueprintThreadSafeUpdateAnimation ,but some of the node contains “Play slot animation as Dynamic Montage” which also an game-thread node so I put it in the event graph , the problem is now I need to trigger this game-thread node while the thread-safe logic need it to play.

I tried interface-message and call the custom event but neither would work due to the difference between thread-safe and game-thread.

If there has an way to communicate between them?

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