is it me or does it feel rushed? i see alot of people including myself finding probelms with no fixs? so many problems on the forum’s with no answers
I just installed it and couldn’t even use the editor. Every menu looked like the top left corner of the editor, and the whole screen quickly went black. I even verified the installation and changed my driver settings to be more compatible. I expected a 12.8GB download to function correctly. Yikes. BTW, I’m using an Nvidia 1080 Ti on a recent driver on Windows 10.
So many bugs there. I encountered two main bugs. First is the VirtualShadowMap not working, then whenever I want to save a level(which migrated from UE4), the engine get stucked. It’s not a good experience using the release version now.
So far things are going better than the release of 4.0.
They only got to Preview 2 which tells you it was rushed, new UE4 versions made it to a lot higher Preview builds before being released, more or less they wanted to release it to hype it up which is sad.
Thats because its built on 4.0 so thats a given.