UE5 Scorponok Transformers Fan Art

Hey folks, just wanted to share a project I’ve been working on. I really like the Fall and War for Cybertron games and wanted to recreated something similar using UE5.

The assets are a combo of 3ds Max and Z-Brush with Substance suite being used for Texturing.

Unreal I’ve used to build materials, create vfx and put the render scene together :). Thanks for having a look :slight_smile:

More images available here :slight_smile: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EaYr2q


Greetings @GregPenn, and thank you for sharing your amazing “Scorponok Transformers” fan-made creation here in the Unreal Engine Forums. Impressive work; one can tell you created each asset with the utmost attention to detail! How long did it take you to finish this project in its entirety? :grin:

Thank you @Zezkaii I’ve been working on it the odd evening after work since late November. Probably a couple of weeks in total I recon :-D.
All the best

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The pleasure is all mine! Again, this is fantastic work, and I’m beyond impressed you’ve managed to create this beauty in just a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to seeing more awesome works from you in the future! :sunglasses: :+1: