UE5 Replay system not working with world partitioning and data layers


I want to implement a replay recording and playback in the project I’m working on and it seems that Replay System is not working with new World Partitioning system. After using demoplay command, the replay is started, but it stops after 0.5-3.0 seconds - I can move the spectator, but the replay is not progressing. In output log I found errors of type LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Memory/WPRT_TestMap_WP_MainGrid_Cell_L0_X0_Y0_DL0. I also tested it on the map that does no use WP and it works fine.

When working with debugger, I discovered that replay system does not allow the replay to progress if not all StreamingLevels are loaded and marked as visible. The visibility flag is set to false for data layers which are set to be Loaded, but not Active. I’ve tested the map with a few data layers and layers which set to be Loaded, load correctly but are not visible. When testing with one layer active and the rest loaded, there was no loading error, but the replay was stuck due to visibility. This is regardles of the “Is Initially Visible” flag in data layer setting. Chenging the “Is Dynamically Loaded” or “Initial State” values in data layer does not fix the issue. The replay is stuck either because of loading errors or visibility check.

The condition check in question is inside UDemoNetDriver::TickDispatch(...).


Did you manage to get this issue solved?