I’ve narrowed it down to unloaded instanced foliage actors way off somewhere.
I can focus said actor bounds but when I try to load them to delete them they just disappear when I try.
My current nearly 13,000 actors are all neatly folderized and loading fine now, and I can work again.
But these unloaded foliage instances are making my world partition huge.
I deleted all the other properly loaded foliage.
I removed all the foliage from the editor menu.
The grayed out unloaded instanced foliage actors remain in the World Outliner window.
Could be autogenerated from somewhere…
Loading them could help. But they disappear.
Exposing the location numbers could be helpful.
I’ve been working daily in UE 5 since day one.
Any artist friendly suggestions?
This is looking like the One File Per Actor issue again.
Some actors have become orphaned in the scene.
This means there is a One File Per Actor for it but there is no static mesh.
IO is the slowest operation you can do to any device as most engineers will agree.
If Epic doesn’t do it first we are going to to put SQLite under the One File Per Actor.
This will speed up saves and make it easier to validate and track down orphaned files.
Credit: My engineer (42 yrs programming experience) partner.