UE5 Pixel Streaming Error

Hello, friends.
I have a local Pixel Streaming server that works with all my UE4 projects, and most of my UE5 projects. Some of my UE5 .exe’s just don’t work when I open the server on a mobile browser, and crash the applicaton, giving me the following error:

Assertion failed: sizeof(T) <= Size [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Media\PixelStreaming\Source\PixelStreaming\Private\ProtocolDefs.h] [Line: 98] 1 - 0

I can’t find anything about this, and, as far as I know, it happens randomly, even with almost blank projects (just walls and sun). Some work, some not.
Ps.: They all work fine if I open it on a Desktop Browser, the error above just appears on mobile browser.

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I’m also experiencing the same crash when using Chrome on mobile :frowning:

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