Epic Online Services is not that simple. Maybe there is an example project (I think Lyra game uses some). But you must be more specific on what do you want. If you google out something for Leaderboards, for example, you should be able to find it quite easily https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Unreal+Engine+leaderboards
Use the Online Subsystem for any title shipping in the near future, or when you do not plan to incorporate any engine upgrades beyond UE 5.1 into the project.
I think Epic should fix bugs instead of making new things… There are more and more new features and old bugs are not fixed.
It’s like changing the wheels on a car knowing that what’s failing is the carburetor.
Advanced sessions does, Advanced Steam Sessions does not.
As for the loobies, yes it works, since it’s just wrapping blueprints calls around Epic Online Subsystem. I’m using it for my game that is on Steam, and GOG. And it works on both platforms.
Advanced Steam Sessions on the other hand is steam specific, and does things only for Steam. For example, I use it’s implementation to get user avatar. And it works only for Steam. I had to make my own implementation to get avatar from GOG.
Since my game is about to release, I’m still on 4.27. And I don’t want to update to 5 this late in development lifecycle. So I’m afraid I can’t help much there. But I can try
I also started my project in 4.27 and in blueprint… Now I am in 5.3 and all my code is in C++. (I had to translate all my blueprints)…
I once had an access violation in the constructor of a bluprint and I could never recover that blueprint again. I had to remove it or the engine wouldn’t start. All the pins on the other blueprints were broken.
It was a complete disaster…
Additionally they changed (or updated) the structures. I could no longer edit the members of the structures from blueprint.
The for loops and arrays have memory in blueprint… if you change the data type they no longer work… you have to delete them and create new ones.
I also had my sessions done with OnlineSubsytem… Epic changed the libraries and I had to do all the work again from scratch using OnlineServices.
Every time they release a new version they make radical changes. Thanks to the fact that now all my code is in C++ I can update it very easily. But with blueprint it is a nightmare to do this.
Due to my bad experience. I would advise everyone to use blueprint as little as possible. And update the version of the engine as soon as possible.
Yeah, it becomes a mess sometimes. So this is why I decided to bail off the UE5. But, since my game will, hopefully, go to Switch, UE5 is a must. Fortunately porting hous will do it
I’ve checked lyra, and it seems the main thing they’re using is CommonUser plugin, which has an option to use oos or Online Services, buuut it’s as easy to implement as the Advanced Sessions.
Lyra uses both!!
I used Lyra to learn how to use OnlineServices.
If you are in UE5.3 and want to continue updating you should choose OSS2. Otherwise you will not be able to update in the future. Or you’ll have to do the job twice.