UE5 - OFF Rotations, translates and Scale for child objects, why?

Hi, now if I make multiple meshes to become children of another mesh in the outliner, when I scale or rotate the parent mesh or in between parents (a rin beign a child of a tire, the tire bign a child of the vehicle)… all the children meshes get Off rotations, translates and scale to different directions… it looks so messy and weird, scale-rotating even to oposite values…

So I tried not to do it on the Outliner and created a Blueprint with all the meshes, let’s say a vehicle, where the rims, windows, etc. they are all children of the exterior of the vehicle, or even between some parts were they are someone else’s childrens, after adding the Blueprint to the viewport… and trying to scale or rotate the blueprint… everything becomes a mess, tires become huge, rins become small…? why? I also tried grouping them in the Outliner…same problem.

What can I do so that child objects perfectly scale-rotate along their parents in UE5?

When you change the transform of mesh component, then you apply that transform to all the children in the hierarchy as well. Then the individual child components apply their own relative transform as well. That’s what the hierarchy means. The children inherit from the parent. So, not sure if you mean the problem is something else, I couldn’t understand, but basically the transforms are not independent. When you change one parent, you change all the children below as well. If the children seem messed up, try zero-ing out their Transform first and then perhaps only apply an additional relative Transform for them to get them look like or be positioned the way you want.

Yes, after you scale a parent, children also get scaled, but, if you make a square, then you create another square, rotate it, then you make it a child of the first, if you rotate or scale the first lets say UP Z… then children scale to the sides, not up, same issue happens in the Outliner, Groups and Blueprints in UE5

For example, if you do the same in Maya, and you scale the parent, it doesn’t matter if children are rotated to any direction, they all will scale UP,

Ho do you zeroed meshes in UE5?

In the next example I made this cube bars long, then I created cilinders, had to rotate those cilinders to put them in the right position, now If I make all cilinders children of the cube, so I can move everything or rotate them as a single unit and I start rotating and scaling the cube 3 to 10 times, or Ctrl+Z to reverse:

A complete mess happens… It happens with anything I make a child of a mesh in UE5, very frustrating, some times Ctrl+Z doesn’t fix the issue once it happens… making it even more frustrating… total pain

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I’m having the same problem. At least it wasn’t like this in UE4. The Scale Rule in UE5 is terrible. If you do manage to fix this, please let me know. I’ll write up a post if I find a proper solution.