UE5-No .sln file in City Sample Project

so here’s the thing, I downloaded the City Sample Project and want to learn about MassAI, but I couldn’t find the .sln file, I learned on Google that I have to build .sln by myself by right click the .uproject file and selecting "Generate Visual Studio project files”.so I associated my .uproject with UnrealEditor.exe(which is located in the UE5\Engine\Binary\Win64), but after that, I couldn’t find "Generate Visual Studio project files”! And then I find a solution:

which tells me that it is UnrealVersionSelector.exe(which is located in the EpicLaughter\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64) rather than UnrealEditor.exe, but when I changed the association, it comes out with an error:
So how can I get the .sln file of the City Sample project?

Launch this command from your project folder (using cmd or powershell)
X:\Path\To\yourEngine5.0Folder\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.exe -ProjectFiles -Game X:\Path\To\ProjectFolder\Project.uproject

This should generate the files you need regardless of the engine being found by the launcher


Top Menu, in Tools, under programming. Generate

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Hey what does it mean when this option is greyed out? Thanks!