[UE5] Negatively scaled instanced level actors breaking on level load.


When using Instanced Level Actors in UE5, if you negatively scale the actor, eg X=-1, the actor will appear to have scaled negatively along the X axis correctly. But upon saving the level and reopening it, you will see that the negatively scaled instanced level actor is now broken.

Another example is if you were to nest a level instance actor, “Actor A”, inside of another level instance actor, “Actor B”, and then scale Actor A negatively; upon committing the changes to Actor B, the same thing thing will occur. Actor A will appear broken inside of Actor B.

This occurs in both UE5 EA and Preview.

Is this a bug?
Is there anything that can be done about this?

Idk about this but i noticed in ue 4.26/7 autoinstancing just didn’t work with negative scales. It would just treat them as seperate instances. So it might have something to do with that

This is still an issue in UE 5.3 at least. I’d start a new topic but I doubt I could explain it as succinctly as OP anyway.

This really seems like a bug because it essentially doubles the amount of level instances you need to make, I need to have a left-turn hallway AND a right-turn hallway instead of just having one and occasionally using scale to flip it.