ue5 NavMeshBounds not loading properly

So I am attempting to make a horror game in ue5 and I made a jumpscare where when you walk through a trigger box it makes an AI run across the hall in front of you on a NavMeshBound. It all works fine loading in the game from that first level, but I made a main menu/empty level that you have to go through. When you load the game through that, the AI does not run across, but stay in place and play the animation. I am convinced it is an error to do with the NavMeshBound, because when I terminate the session at the area and press “P”, there is no green area for the AI. Any idea why?

Hey @Markmallowman! Welcome to the forums!

Can I ask- you are using a navmesh volume as well as bounds, right? Bounds are an addition to the standard nav volume. It wouldn’t explain why it works when you start in the level with it though…

Try watching this short video to see if it gives you any ideas. Obviously you know at least a bit, it’s surprising how many people don’t know about the “P” shortcut! I don’t know how anyone ever does Nav without it.

Also I found this answer- give it a shot!