UE5 Movie Render Queue render not matching the viewport brightness/gamma/color space

(there is another similar but still different thread here so I wanted to make this separate. My problem is brightness/gamma, the other has washed out colors)
I am VERY new to UE, just started with UE5. I want to use it for still rendering and get as realistic renders as possible so I think Cinematic is correct setting. Now with RTX3090 I can adjust everything in realtime which is amazing. I have all (that I know) hardware settings turned on.

However, when I create camera from viewport view and make the still render Level Sequence from it (with StillRenderSetupAutomation) and do the render, the result is not matching the viewport.
It is quite close but especially when the Sun is low and only enlightening some parts of the scene (like early morning or late evening), the difference is significant.
See here and note the highlighted areas:

I think it is somehow related to color spaces but I have not been able to find correct setup.
I have Working Color Space set to sRGB/Rec709. I have tried to use OCIO as well but no luck (and I have very little knowledge about color space math and types). There is no Linear and/or sRGB/Rec709 in OCIO so I cannot try those.

The manual (page not updated to UE5 but should be same) says “Deferred Rendering setting, which produces the final image that you see in the viewport”. I have tried the LS_Draft and LS_Ultra and tried to modify them with additional settings but no luck.

I have no experience with game engines so I don’t know if there is some setting somewhere that affects this.

Please anyone, help me :slight_smile:
Thank you very much for any ideas!

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Was this somehow stupid question? Not a single reply in week :open_mouth:
I really need help with this, please anyone?

Your camera will have its own post process settings. The render queue also has settings. The render queue should be more precise. Differences are somehow expected. Do you think the render queue is looking worse?

Hi! First, thank you for your reply :slight_smile:
The render queue result is so different from the viewport that it is not useful.
Is there some way to ignore all other but PostProcessVolume settings? That would make it clear :slight_smile:
But so if I use pilot camera actor and adjust the settings to look good, then use render queue, shouldn’t it look the same by default? Because it does not, especially volumetric clouds look really different.
Workaround is to use hires capture but of course that is not ideal solution.

Any tips how to get them to look same? :slight_smile:
Thank you!

This should cover it.

@S-Dot, thank you, that helped me to understand many things and most of all, that MRQ is pretty same in UE5 as it was in UE4 so I can use older tutorials :slight_smile:
I was hesitating to watch older tutorials for MRQ as I thought it has changed in UE5.
There are so huge amount of different tutorials that it is difficult to find the best ones, especially for UE5/Lumen/RTX/non-gaming.

Again thanks to you I also got CineCamera to look the same in UI (when piloting) and in render which is BIG thing.

But I still don’t quite understand why Perspective view does not look the same as CineCamera pilot even though I only have PostProcessingVolume doing any changes, I turned off all camera postprocess and other affecting settings :open_mouth:
And not for result quality differences, that is obvious but gamma/colorspace/exposure or whatever makes the view significantly different in camera pilot than in perspective. Why?

Could you please explain that for me? Of course now that I can use piloting and get exactly same result (or actually better with AA etc.), the renders work fine but still it would be nice if when doing adjusting of lights and materials, the result would be the same in camera :slight_smile:

But anyway, that tutorial and Youtube suggestions from it have got me a lot further in understanding UE5 rendering so thank you very much!

The default viewport camera doesn’t have a cinematic component for compatibility reasons I guess with mobile devices and older hardware and to keep things simple while editing a scene.

It’s 10 times better than what you get in 3ds max by default in the viewport.

Ok yes when I played with camera settings I noticed that e.g. FStops change the brightness. And of course as perspective view does not have those settings, it explains why the result differs. It was just surprising how big the difference is, especially in overall brightness.

I have used Clarisse for all my layout/rendering until now and there the perspective view is not same as camera in quality (to make it near realtime) but the brightness is closer to same.

Maybe I will try to play with camera settings to get it to match perspective (there is no separate gamma/exposure etc. for perspective right?). That would help adjusting sun position and other lighting-related things. Of course it is also possible to pilot the camera and do the final adjustments there but it would be nice to have at least very close to final lighting all the time.

Actually, there is the EV100 setting in view mode menu but it activates only if I turn off game settings, what is the effect of that in non-game projects?

So if you have any tips for getting those to match, please let me know.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Has this problem been resolved? I also have the same problem.

I don’t understand which part of my text you are referring to :smiley: but I think I have understood the problem.

When we are in viewport, the rendering is very different from cinematic and so it is not possible to match those 100%. However, by adjusting the render, editor and lighting settings you can get close enough so that it looks pretty much the same.

Main difference and problem for me was that grass did not render correctly in MRQ and still looked fine in viewport. That was because MRQ needs time (frames) to prepare such dynamic content. So in antialias settings in MRQ, setting Render Warm Up Count to e.g. 32, the grass has time to build before rendering starts. Exact number naturally depends on complexity of the grass and scene.

Note that the tooltip suggests using Engine Warm Up Count for that but by my experience it did not do the trick. That may vary by project so no guarantees, better to try each to find best solution for your project :slight_smile:

I hope this helps at least a bit :slight_smile:

My solution was to activate the game settings in exposure (in the view mode menu).

I find this in the options of CineCameraActor => Post Process Blend Weight, decrease them to 0 and the result will be the same that the viewport.