UE5 Mover Plugin: Input Stream Starvation Logs on Client (Recovering from input stream starvation on server. Advancing over dropped client frames)

Has anyone here worked with the Mover plugin in UE5?

When attaching a Mover to a Pawn and playing as a client, I encounter frequent log messages like these:

LogNetworkPrediction: SystemFault: Recovering from input stream starvation on server. Advancing over dropped client frames [0--2]
LogNetworkPrediction: SystemFault: Recovering from input stream starvation on server. Advancing over dropped client frames [-1--2]
LogNetworkPrediction: SystemFault: Recovering from input stream starvation on server. Advancing over dropped client frames [-1--2]

Since the Mover plugin is experimental, I expect some unusual behavior. However, I’d like to understand what’s causing these logs and whether anyone has insights or solutions.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Let’s discuss!

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I’ve been seeing these messages when running the simulation in dedicated server/client mode but not listen server. I’ve tried with large, small move buffers and input buffers. I’m only using fixed ticking policy and interpolated simulated proxy network LOD (also fixed tick smoothing).