UE5 mod manager

I posted some findings in the Primer thread mentioned above, you might be interested in checking it out

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Hi all,

Good job on what you have figured out so far (also yes that’s a link to my modding tools repo at the top of the thread)! There’s a lot of research that needs to go into this topic and it’s silly that the information is so incredibly difficult to come by, which tends to leave games with suboptimal mod support.

That’s why I’ve done a ton of the research myself and have written a guide, aimed at game devs, that provides a fairly high level but extensive overview of all currently known mod support methods.

Please let me know if you have any questions or extra thoughts you may have for it. Thanks!



Isn’t this something that the “extensible gameplay framework” in 5.3 is supposed to support?

Game Features and Modular Gameplay in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

Buckminsterfullerene’s guide is indeed quite useful !
I’m glad to see this thread as I’ve started looking for modding options back in august and I had only found UGC, at the time, the use of which isn’t great.
Having another simple way to handle pak loading would be great. A big “thank you” to Froschzeichen and Chatouille for their work, saving me a lot of time <3

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I had some success loading and activating game feature plugins using Hotpatcher. GitHub - hxhb/HotPatcher: Unreal Engine hot update manage and package plugin. and the GFP paker for it GitHub - hxhb/GameFeaturePacker: Unreal Engine Plugin/GameFeature Packager Mod.

Unfortunately support stopped at 5.2, but I confirmed it works. I even had it working on the quest loading blueprints, static meshes and new materials. Maybe others can learn from this project, how its activating the GFPs.

I really liked being able to activate game feature plugins from paks at runtime. The modularity of adding new content and game mechanics via paks seems incredibly powerful.

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