My specs: RTX2080ti, Threadripper 32 cores, 128gb DDR RAM
QUICK UPDATE - This appears to be a UE5 issue only. This does not happen in UE4.
Steps to reproduce:
Open UE5, add a metahuman
Record a facial animation via IOS live link over 10 seconds. (Via take recorder or directly in FaceAnim_BP)
Save and close editor
Reopen the editor and attempt to open your anim sequence
Hey all!
Noticing a consistent problem. I’m attempting to piece together 2-3 facial mocap sequences for a project using the IOS arkit recording. After these successfully record, and you close the editor and reopen it, opening the anims themselves as individual sequence takes absolutely forever, especially if they are over 5 seconds.
I’m noticing that it’s always the second clip opened that freezes the editor to ungodly lengths. The first one does load eventually but the second always become a nightmare.
I’ve reproduced this multiple times but let me know if theres any advice or if this is just a bug.
Another issue seems to be that every take records 1,169 curves, but most of these are not in use. Almost all of them are flatline at 0 and I believe these shouldn’t be recorded in the take if they are going to cause such a massive shutdown of editor power.
Yes the animation compiles fine. You can use take recorder or record via the FaceAnim_Bp.
I believe this simultaneously loads the anim in VRAM but once you close the editor and reopen it just doesn’t open. Noteable waits the longer the animation is and trying to reopen more than one.
This is only an issue UE5EA, so something changed in their anim sequence editor.
This continues to be an issue in UE5 v2.
Once your project is corrupted, it is done, you cannot depend on it. You will slowly get more freezing un-openable maps and sequences/takes within that project. Simulating a scene, let alone play, can cause a freeze. Also, even right-clicking on an asset can freeze the project.
The best workaround I have found is abandon the project, and copy content to a new project.
The corruption almost acts like a virus, it starts in one map or take, and then more and more will start freezing. Copy what you can to a new project and continue from there. Any parts that did not work are lost and will act corrupted and likewise still freeze in a new scene they are copied into. Think of them like zombies.
Yes definitely still an issue in UE5 Early Release 2, you can also find the sus animation.uasset in Explorer and hard delete it out. This of course could corrupt your project but it saved me from having to revert back to an older version the other day. Sticking to UE 4.26 for animation asset baking and then migrating them to UE5.
We have the same problem. After capturing the motion with perception nuron and the face with an iphone the body animation works just fine but the second we touch the face animation data UE5 freezes.
I am having the same issue too, was doing a rehearsal with my actor and all these bugs starting popping up, I thought I was doing something wrong.
Not that much info out there as I think this is a new issue. I would take Matt Workman’s advice on recording in UE4 and migrating it to UE5 later.
Seems like the only reliable way, there are too many bugs.
The issue I am having is that when I start take recorder my metahuman’s face get’s stuck in the “screaming pose” even if I am not screaming on my livelink app. I guess these are all bugs. Will post if I found any work arounds until this gets fixed.