UE5 menus stop working (flicker or close immediately) after an hour of use

After using the UE5 editor for about an hour or so, it reaches a point where I can’t open any menu.

The menus will either flicker open and closed, close immediately or not open at all. It seems as though it thinks I am closing the menu right after I open it. This seems to be a bug with the software.

The only solution I’ve found is to close the UE5 editor and restart it. This completely disrupts my workflow as I’m having to do this almost every hour and I lose my place in the blueprint.

I can’t find any information on this topic from a Google search that isn’t years old. None of those solutions work as they seem to be for UE4 and possibly a slightly different problem.

Is there any known workaround to stop this from happening? Is there some option I can turn off so the menus work correctly permanently?

I had a very similar issue, and it’s show-stopper bad. The issue may be related to using NVIDIA GPUs (exclusively?). I’m still using UE4, but following the workaround in this link fixed it for me: After updating to NVIDIA Game Ready Driver 461.09 or newer, some desktop apps may flicker or stutter when resizing the window on some PC configurations | NVIDIA

Not sure if you’ve tried this solution, but it may be helpful to list out all the solutions you’ve tried that didn’t work.

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I tried everything.

I have the latest drivers, latest windows 11, everything is up to date and it keeps happening. Also an issue in ue5.1.

Switching to an older driver doesn’t matter anymore as nvidia posted a workaround but that didn’t work for me.

Do you have an Nvidia GPU? If so, have you attempted the fix I linked above?

Yes I have Nvidia Card. I tried your linked fix and it didn’t fix the issue.

It seems to happen more frequently the more I use the UI menus. I feel like it happens when the resource usage of the UE editor is starting to hit the limit of the pc. If I have a lot of blueprints open (6 or more) that I’m editing it happens much faster. The menus start to flicker gradually and then they flicker so fast they won’t open anymore.