So the UE5 mannequin has a bunch of extra bones to help deform the character better and are driven by the post processing blueprint.
I realized it made my character warp in really weird ways sometimes depending on what animation was playing. I realized these pose driver nodes are additive.
Here the post process blueprint is disabled while looking at the pose.
Here post processing blueprint is enabled while looking at the pose, and the shoulder deformation is essentially added on top of itself. Imagine in my game my character is constantly warping like it’s Quake 2/PS1 graphics during some anim montages (Could be a cool effect for horror games if done intentionally).
An easy fix would be if the pose driver node could force the bone transform to replace instead of being additive on top of the current pose.
When I make animations for my character using control rig and export them, sometimes these deformation bones are not at their ref pose and there’s a slight transform. This slight transform ends up being added to by the pose driver nodes instead of replacing the transform.
I made sure to go through every animation so far and remove animations from the bones using an anim modifier and it fixed all of my warping issues.
I would add my anim modifier to every animation. Check the apply to children box.
Apply the anim modifier after copy pasting this into the bones array. I would noticeably see some of my animations fix themselves as the deformation bones reset their transforms.
You can paste the contents of the entire array from copying the below text instead of manually adding each entry: