UE5 -Main / UE5 5.0 Retarget Animation Disappeared ??
Animation editing window gets weird?
The default install the tool menu has Retarget Manager, I have not seen Retarget Sources a tab before.
This problem occurs in the UE5-MAIN branch and not in 5.0EA
I’m having exactly the same issue on UE5-Main (compiled from source).
Seems you can no longer retarget animations as the button is missing.
@bengmusic did you end up figuring it out
Currently waiting for a fix…
This is why is not working right now.
We have to wait.
Thanks for answer, the new method is not yet available for use, so we really must wait.
Thanks @TrueFranco appreicate the link to the issue, what a shame though… waiting it is.
Well since i don`t have too much patience to wait, I write back the old methods and is working good so far.
Very powerful!!!
I too have kept the original code that was removed and just merge it into the source for now.
It seems to work correctly still.
I use the Retarget Manager daily, so it had a big impact on my workflow.
@KiaranRitchie Not sure if this is the correct forum name, but I tag you anyways.
First upfront: Thank you for all the research and new ways you’re approaching for a better workflow.
I kindly ask for an update if there is a timeline on when either the retarget manager comes back or some similar solution could be provided. For sure people may say current UE5 is not for production, but we are in the middle of a UE5 vertical slice and this blocks the way to retarget Metahuman into ALSv4.
My concern with this is “Deprecating URig asset”.
Does that mean the Humanoid Rig is Depreciated ?
Is a MetaHuman rig of somekind on the way ?
There is no documentation anywhere public about this big change.
Well I was wrong , there is no need for the old retarget system.
New system is :
1-Create a 2 IK RIG blueprint, one for your target and one for your Source.
2-Create a IK Retarget Blueprint.
3- Map importante bones on both Target and Source blueprint.
4-Open IK Retarget blueprint and chose both Target and Source.
4a - Edit the Target`s Pose to be the same as the Source, (very important) in the IK Retarget BP.
5- Export animation
6 - Profit.
Thank you so much for the tutorial !
The IK Retargeting method seemed to work until I tried an imported skeleton with additional bones.
Either I am missing something, not mapping the bones correctly or it simply does not work as it should.
The process is now convoluted where before, it was only a couple of clicks.
Before mapping the bones make sure both skeleton are in the same position, T or A position.
My first try was with different skeletons and it worked after a few frustration.
Keep trying it will work.
I have a version of the Kawaii Physics plugin for UE5 used in a post process blueprint.
That plugin no longer works with this method and so that is why it was not working for me.
The fix was to double check the poses matched and remove the post processing blueprint during retargeting and then add it back afterwards.
It would be great to have a way to disable post processing inside the IK retargeter.
Thanks for your help you saved me a headache.
I`m glad you figure it out
Yes, we will be improving this workflow going forward as it provides more flexibility than simple bone-to-bone mapping.
It is a little more effort right now, but over time we will be able to automate more and more of it while also providing more control over how the animation is retargeted.