UE5 LUT for Substance Painter

Hello everyone, I made a LUT to match UE5 in Substance Painter so that there is less back and forth when texturing, you can get it for free here UE5 LUT for Substance Painter

No need for additional post-processing, you just put the exr as colorlut in Substance Painter !
I also wrote a Medium article about it that explains how to get to that resultat and that talks about colorspaces, gamma, exposure, etc… So that people can understand how it works and how to make their own LUTs.

Here is the article : How to match Substance Painter viewport with UE5 ? (LUTs, Gamma and many more things to learn about) | by Alexandre Alves | Aug, 2023 | Medium
And you can also get the color chart I made for the comparison here : 3D Color reference card