UE5 Lighting and composition study - The Watcher Temple

Hi Everyone! Sharing a new project:

Trying scene composition and mood this time.
I got inspiration from the planet Zeffo From Jedi Fallen Order. I always loved how moody the lighting was there, so I tried to do a scene similar to it but with my own touch

Original post at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8wRqd6

I wanted to combine some Sci-Fi / Fantasy elements to it, making a giant head/robot of sorts guard the temple and a character casting a spell to disable it,. I put together a scene using megascans and Paragon assets. Also wanted to make my shadows clearer for this scene and try to play with contrast and composition using my bounce lights. I also wanted to explore a time-lapse cinematic.
The character used is Greystone from Paragon.

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Hey there @EdwinVG,

Hope you’re doing well!

This environment gave some serious Warframe vibes with the whole sci-fi aesthetic. I’m really glad it doesn’t look cartoony or stylized, I think it’s the first realistic alien-esque scene I’ve seen that looks this amazing.

How long did it take you to make this?

Hey! @PresumptivePanda
I’m doing great, thank you!

Thank you for your kind words, Warframe is awesome!

It took me about 3 Days working part-time, most of them making the composition and adjusting the lights. Using MegaScans really helped me try ideas and focus on the overall composition and lighting!

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You’ve definitely done a wonderful job. Hope to continue seeing your work here on the forums! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I’m trying to post regularly and keep learning! :slight_smile: