UE5 level transition breaks AI character patrol behavior and movement

My AI movement (patrol, chasing, walk/run animations) all worked fine until I implemented a level transition from the first level to the second. Now, the AI just stands there after the transition, and even when I load the level it’s in separately to check without the transition, it does nothing. I did not touch anything to do with AI when I set up the transition (Behavior Tree, Blackboard, Character BP). I checked the Navmesh - it’s fine. I added a delay to Beginplay - that doesn’t work. Has anyone else encountered this ever? (Google returns nothing for it.)


To add, if I restart the project file, the AI will act as intended until I go through the level transition again. Then, it’s broken again.

After searching two days, I found a solution. For those in the future who encounter this problem and can’t find anyone to explain (especially if you look up a Youtube video on how to create AI behavior), here’s the solution: Go to Edit → Project Settings - Navigation Mesh - Runtime Generation from Static to - Dynamic

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