UE5: Landscape disappear in Editor mode but visible in Game mode


I have built a level with landscape, saved and closed. When I reopen the project (UE5) and level, the landscape in the level has disappeared in the editor mode but when click play, the landscape is visible.

Tried Alt+L but to no avail. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi Ian,

Try right-clicking anywhere in the Viewport and selecting ‘Visibility → Show All Actors’

Let us know if that helps!

Hi Astrotronic,

Unfortunately it doesn’t. Still the plain grid area with only the landscape object (x y z arrows).
Noticed under Outliner → item Landscape, all the LandscapeStreamingProxy_x_x_x (Unloaded) were greyed out in editor mode. Not sure is it related to the issue.


Go to World Setting → World Partition → Uncheck ‘Enable Streaming’.

Thanks Astrotronic for helping.


Threre is other solution exists, which halpped me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kW13xrRnCoo - is to load selected regions one by one in world partition

My hero!)