UE5 Keeps Crashing

So as the title says, within minutes of getting into a project even a basic third person generated one with no extra assets my engine crashes giving the following report:


Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\GenericPlatform\GenericPlatformMemory.cpp] [Line: 241] Ran out of memory allocating 768168 bytes with alignment 0. Last error msg: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete…


Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I am new to using Unreal Engine and I am having a hard time to even get started with these crashes occurring. I know my GPU may be of concern since I have a 1050ti but I’ve seen many people using this card to run UE5 with no similar issues. The CPU I am running is an i7-8750 @ 2.2 GHz. I just wanted to know if my specs are the issue here or if maybe there is a fix within the UE5 settings I can do to manage with lower tier equipment. Thanks to all who answer!

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Hey there @IminentNacrosis!

So the “paging file is too small for this operation to complete…”

Means that your pagefile.sys doesn’t have enough room to expand.
Basically you just need to clear out space on your hard drive so it has room to work :stuck_out_tongue:
That should be all you have to do!

I am having, same issue, I have the project on an external nvme ssd and I have 1tb free on it, and on my windows system I have same 1tb file space, I am not able in any ways the project? where is the issue? on main system space or external ssd? thank you


The problem would be on whichever drive your system installation is on. You may also need to look into extending your pagefile.sys’s allocated space!

I have a 1050 ti as well, if I set scalablity to the lowest setting it runs a clean 120 fps.

You may want to look into getting more RAM if you don’t have 16 gb, at least check to see if it is maxing out. UE has an option to show how much memory is being used and you can look in task manager if you are on windows.

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I tried extendind my pagefile but didn’ t change, It keeps crashing with same error

My pc specs:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7950X
GPU: RTX 4090
RAM: 128GB 6000Mhz

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i have 40 gig free on windows drive. 70 gig free on install location drive . and 110 gig free on project location. this is not solution .i think one parameter must be change in project config.

I think you’re right. I have 328gb free on my windows install drive, and I have my UE5.1 & Project files both installed to a seperate SSD with 620gb free. For me, this problem happened after I added water to my world and I can only access it when the water plugin is disabled. I recall when I was working on the open world, unloaded chunks that get edited cause immediate crash, but I don’t remember if this was what it said when they did.

I’m confused. I can’t find any solution. I allocated a total of 60 gigs of hard drives space from the View Advanced section of the Windows setting system. Sometimes I also received the debug symbol error. I also installed Debug Symbol and again error line 241 asks me for 12 gigs of memory. Everything in the level has nanite, and the level is much more empty than what we see in the demos of the Unreal website.i change 32 memory to 64. but not work. I think professional level designs work wonders

Finally, after a month, I found a solution. Every time you want to play the game,go to the world setting,world partition setup and Enable streaming. after enabling,Temporary you lose everything is in the world window. but when play game, nolonger you have not error line 241. after scape from game window, you can desable streaming to return world again and develop that.