UE5 Japanese street anime scene map

The scene was based on DAZ Artist: Stonemason, I added a lot of content and made it run in Unreal Engine 5.
Artstation:ArtStation - UE5 Japanese street anime scene map
UE5 Japanese street anime scene map showcase - Demo download - YouTube

You can download and run the demo here:Yan ru - Japan street demo Windows.zip - Google Drive


Hey there @333ru,

Hope you’re doing well!

You’ve created such an intensely dreamy and beautiful project. Did you create it based on an actual location or just went with imagination?

PS: The details you incorporated really elevated the scene. The scooter on the sidewalk, the dog leash sign, the spraypainted smiley on the side of the wall are just wonderful artist touches :smiley:

Hi PresumptivePanda, They refer to different photos and have no actual location in reality