I’m tring to use IK Rig and IK Retarget to retarget the UE5 third person templete animation to maximo character. Everything works fine inside the IK Retarget preview window, however, when I export the animation, it’s different from preview. It happens to all animation clips, some animations seem like they do not retarget the root, others seem like totally missed up the bones’ direction. Does anyone know how to sovle this problem? Thank you soooooo much!!!
Here is the bug screenshot:
Try to dont’t edit the default pose of your character that’s worked for me
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Did you ever figure out the solution? Not to topic hijack, but I’m having a similar issue myself, so I’m curious! xoxo
Any details? I did that like your said and just making chain mapping, But it is not work.
For somebody who meet the same problem, Unselect “Force Root Lock” in the animation sequence to fix this problem.
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Same problem Everything works fine inside the IK Retarget preview window but… How to solve it…
Seems not to work for me
“Force Root Lock” can solve the problem in some cases, if it doesn’t work you can check if your skeletal mesh has Post Process Anim Bluprint set, the engine will warn you when you doing retarget and you need to disable it.