I’m experiencing a very strange issue with UE5. I can rund the Open World template map with a 3rd Person Template in Editor perfectly fine with 120FPS.
Packaged the game with this maps as the start map, shipping configuration, all the same settings and I run into a massive GPU bottleneck resulting into hardly 60 FPS.
Again exactly same settings and without all the debug stuff, yet it’s unacceptable for an empty landscape.
Does anyone else experience this issue? UE4 has in a simmilar setup better performance in a packaged game as in editor, just like it’s expected.
Hi, I’m having the same issue here. Mine is even worse: 60 fps PIE and 30 fps in a packaged game with the default 3rd person template. My graphics card is also RTX 2070 super but I’m running in a 5120x1440 ultrawide monitor.
What resolution did you run your game in to get 120 fps in the editor and 60 in a packaged game?
I got the same issue fine in Editor but hell in package game
Epic also released 5.0.3 but no luck it didn’t fix the issue. I don’t know the root of the issue.
I too am having the same problem, seems to happen over time in V5 for some reason. Haven’t found a fix yet but my project runs in editor at 60fps but in a packaged game with all updates it runs at a shiny 32.
Did anyone fine a solution? My packaged game runs terrible 1 out of 5 times of playing and it doesnt recover from the slow fps at start. If i launch the game again it will be fine. Its a not repeatable problem. I did get some unreal insights data on the problem so i suggest you do that for your projects too. I am still trying to figure out what is happening.
Hi, This is not my problem as the game has a menu system that set scalability console commands. I get unpredictable behaviour where the game will run very slowly on 1 out of 5 loads of my game. I can replicate it by exiting the game through the menu and watching for a slow fps around 10 - 15 fps that it will not recover from.
Are you pushing lots of logic into tick functions? Perhaps a get all actors of class call or something similarly taxing? This can kill projects even on good pc’s.
What commands in the insights are taking up the game loop time?
Hi , Thanks for the reply, I currently cant get insights data for the project. Can i get back to you and maybe you could suggest something once you see the data. I did run an insight session early on in the year and my memory is pretty vage. Thank you.