UE5 Groom's Generate Procedural Hair Cards is invisible!??

I’ve been up and down the forums and seen questions close to my problem,

When i generate procedural hair cards in groom,(and matching LOD indexes) the hair generates into the slot below but is not visible in the groom asset. It made a static mesh hair card asset. but its not applied, even when forcing the right LOD,

My goal was to see groom physics simulation working with the generated hair cards!

Greatly appreciate any help in this rather urgent project!

Hi there,
My understanding is that hair cards are used for LOD 2 and above to improve performance. However, the hair cards will be rigid bodies, so you can use those when the characters are distance from the camera. If you examine the metahuman shipped with the City Sample demo (The Matrix), you’ll see there is an option inside the MH blueprint to replace groom assets by hair cards even for LOD 0 and 1 for better performance in low end hardware.


Thanks L.F.A

I had a look at the Matrix/MH blueprints.

The hair cards being rigid bodies and not being able to simulate ends the path here for me. I still couldn’t generate my own and have them visible on the groom with physics, but I am now able to pivot workflow sooner!

thankyou so much for the response!

Hi there,
You still have the possibility to simulate hair cards using “cloth physics”, even though results are far inferior to groom assets (strand-based hair).

Creating Hair/Cloth Simulation Physics in UE4 - YouTube

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Hi again

yes instead of attempting to use groom physics, ill be going down the chaos cloth path!

thanks again!

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