UE5 GPU Lightmass/Pathtracer Strange Shadows

Hello, I’ve been running into an issue with GPU Lightmass and the Path Tracer where some lights are being ignored or casting strange, blocky shadows on surfaces:

Has anyone else experienced this? There are no hidden objects that could be casting these shadows, and it’s a bit unpredictable depending on the GPU lightmass settings.

As a note, the lights are just plain ol’ spotlights and all lighting is static.

As an update, here is some additional information about the scene. The map in question is made up of several sub levels, one for each floor of the house. When I bake light for each level individually, I don’t see these strange blocks of shadows, but when baked as a single level containing all the sub levels, that’s when this happens. The shadows occur across assets from multiple sub levels, so there doesn’t seem to be a single map that is causing issues.

To me its like something invisible is casting a shadow. A big block in the corner of the room. Go to view mode and check lighting only or detail lighting. CTRL+H will unhide everything. Also see if there is anything when you leave game mode.

Nothing hiding that I can see! The weird thing is that it changes location in the level every time I open the editor and re-bake lighting, although this particular area seems to occur more often than elsewhere (although with different block patterns).

These problems are difficult to track down. You need to narrow down the level causing it. If you found the level you can try to manually select everything (I think it’s CTRL+ALT+middle mouse button or something) and copy all that content to a new level leaving the invisible asset behind hopefully. Or maybe you find something suspicious in the world outliner. There is an option to only show assets in the current level. Good luck.

So I appear to have found my issue: it looks as though I had too many overlapping lights. I reduced the attenuation radius on everything, and the dark spots went away!

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