November 4, 2022, 3:20am
There is a great video 35 UE5 Features You Probably Don’t Know About | Unreal Fest 2022 - YouTube that was just released on Unreal Youtube channel but the problem is starting from 16:45 - it has a long period where video showing us just Chris and not the actual unreal presentation (you can see people mentioning it in the comments).
Unreal, can you please upload somewhere the actual presentation/slide-show for this one - so we can view it and learn those Unreal features?
November 4, 2022, 5:13am
You can watch it here from 7:11:45
Unreal Fest Day 2
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November 4, 2022, 5:16pm
Like @Andrej730 mentioned it would be great if we had a write up on the features mentioned considering it is a long video. If there was a chapter list on that youtube video at least i could look these items up myself instead of trying to scrub through the video to try and find what i am looking for.
Great presentation by the way.
November 5, 2022, 3:10am
A person in comments for this video Unreal Fest Day 2 - YouTube actually made a list:
Here are the 35+ things you probably didn’t know about in UE5, in order they appear:
Water bouyancy
Niagara debugger
Custom decal response
Placeable clouds (Volumetrics plugin)
Custom primitive data
Blueprint C++ header viewer
Interpolate material instance parameters node
Generate console commands help doc
Console variable plugin
ABTest command
Common UI plugin
Reload asset action
Waveform collapse plugin
Runtime virtual textures
Niagara fluids
Niagara fluid collisions
Advanced search syntax
Asset registry information in content browser
Blend space graphs
Bake to control rig
Simplify keyframes
Linked animation sequence
Animation mirroring
Property accessor functions
Cube grid
Fix pivot tool
Geometry script
Texture baking
Niagara baker
Niagara life cycle track
Chaos cache manager
Isoldate audio commands
Placeable volumetric fog
Named reroutes
Common conversation (experimental feature for conversation trees)
Niagara GBuffer access
Sequencer player camera blends
Pre-skinned local position, bounds and normals
Screen relative transforms
Statistics viewer
Granular GPU capture information
Procedural foliage volume
Camera locked movement (Shift drag)
Environmental bookmarks
Shadow pass switch
MoveComponentTo node
Niagara simulation stages
Shift+F11 to hide taskbar
Collapse/Expand BP/Material nodes
Press K to keep location after physics simulation
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November 5, 2022, 4:18am
Thanks for posting this. This is great.