Quick question and apologies if this has been asked before (couldn’t find).
Does the UE5 editor have a set number/levels of undo’s in its undo history, or does it dynamically scale the number of these to available memory, or some such magic?
I’m of a habit to max my undo levels when I use a 3D creation suite and can’t locate any setting for UE5 undo levels so far…
Hey there @Skiltpadde! Welcome to the community! This is actually a rare question! I had to check the actual source code on the engine, and it seems like there’s no external way to mess with the undo system, just a couple of calls you can make to allow a function/action to be undoable. So if you’re capable of working with the source code, you’d have to start there if you wanted to increase the undo limit! Hope this helps!
Yep that is correct, every time you save something that’s where it bases the next set of undo changes. So if you ever hit save it tosses everything done before it.