UE5 Dedicated server Error: Assertion failed: Index != INDEX_NONE

Starting from a blank project and pulling in the third person features seems to fix this issue

this bug was already fixed by epic in CL19718877 Ue5-main branch, submitted in Apr 12 2022 (described as “C++ Third Person Template project crashes when opened on Android”). So just go and grab the changes: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/411dec1c46aec33b5740ea4f3c82c16b05374f10

That link gives me a 404 error.

And also go into Project Settings > Maps and Modes and select BP_ThirdPersonGameMode for the Default GameMode before packaging a new build again.

make sure you have the access to reach unreal’s github. paste from unreal’s doc:

Before you can access the repository at https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine, you must:

  • be an Unreal Engine subscriber.
  • have a GitHub account.
  • have associated your GitHub account with your Unreal Engine account as described on the UE4 on GitHub page.