UE5 Damage by overlap wrong overlapBox

Hi, I hope I can explain by my broken englisch what I want to do.

I like to build an healthsystem in WBP_. Youtube videos bring me near of my problem. So I got my healthsystem which works fine until the point where I want to get damage not by run into an overlapBox with the charakter . I want to get damage if I throw an object into an overlapBox, like shoot an ball in the wrong goal or something like that.
How I have to build this system? Have I build all the construnct inside the ball, the goal, the charakter or the game mode? Or do I have to build the construct inside the game mode and cast to the ball?

Thank you for your helping.

Wow, no kidding. That’s so confusing, I have to read your question many times, and I think I know what you mean, but I may be far from what you meant there. So, please correct me as I rephrase the question for you.

Here’s what you were asking: You have a character and an overlap box actor. And when your character overlaps with this box actor, your character gets damages that you DO NOT want. What you want instead is to allow the character to overlap and only receive the damage when you throw a ball while the ball overlaps with the actor box.

Is this it? Or I’m wrong?

Hey @Frittenstecher

when you use an Overlap e.g. you have a blueprint of type actor with a collision box inside you get this (after clicking on the plus sign on the right):

Here you can use the OtherActor pin to check what kind of actor overlaps the box:

If the other actor is the BP_Ball I want to add damage. If it is not the BP_Ball I just want to print something: