UE5 crashes when trying to join Multi-user dev server

I’ve had to deal with this countless times and it’s frustrating me to no end. I typically fix it by not opening my project for months and then trying again. Obviously that means I can’t program or level build during that time, which is my main job.

I have tried doing the “delete saved,” “delete derived cash data,” and “delete intermediate,” a number of times, but it won’t work. The crashes will happen randomly. Today I was just sitting in UE while I was writing my recent devlog to keep track of my work, absolutely nothing had changed, and then it crashed. I’m unable to open it. I have the crash report in the following log from me trying to connect to the server. Pastebin will not let me post it due to “blocked words,” or “exceeds 512 kb.” If there’s an alternative that is preferred let me know and I’ll post it in the comments.

The game opens fine normally, but as soon as I connect to the server then there’s an issue.

DungeonCrawler.log (615.7 KB)

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