[UE5 Control Rig] Why skeleton bone is reverse direction on right side(Z axis)?

I’m using UE5.02 Control Rig make animation to a very simple character.

Tutor URL:Using Control Rig in Unreal Engine - YouTube

I added IK control to the legs. It’s worked fine.

But, I found a issue: the right foot’s mesh is offset form the ground.
How can I fix it? Thank you!


Character in Blender:

Character Skeleton in UE5:

In Control Rig:


I changed the charater model, now looks more clearly.
The right foot’s mesh has fliped on Z axis.



Export setting in Blender:

I’m wondering the same thing although in the Lyra project this is the case as well…

Hey, did you ever solve this?

I am having a similar issue (meshes being moved with control rig).

Except, mine is the thigh. As soon as I connect the Pole, my thigh shifts.

Let me know.