I dynamically create a small procedurally generated hex landscape with perlin noise. It’s generated at runtime though I’m using the one generated in the editor. I also create a collision mesh at the same time so that I can use traces under the mouse and drag the camera around. This all works fine. So trace collisions work.
But when I place the prebuilt character in the Content drawer in the level and hit “run”, the character falls through the floor. I made sure both the character and floor block each other in the collision settings. No effect. I know collisions work for line traces. And it’s set to work for traces and physics. The character does not fall through the pre-built “floor” asset in the Content drawer.
Does the collision mesh need to be a fully enclosed volume for collisions to work? The collision mesh for the hex actor is just a simpler mesh of the original. But there’s no volume as there’s no underside. All the polygons point upwards. I’m at a complete loss here. I will try creating a box for the collision mesh to know if that works and then remove the bottom to see if it doesn’t work, but I’d like to know in better detail how collisions work. Can anyone confirm it has to be a volume or is there something else going on? I can’t find anything on the exact reason this wouldn’t be working right now.
Physics is off. If I turn it on, he turns into a ragdolls and flies off quickly into the distance.
I’m testing A* pathfinding AI Controller on the character. Not sure if that matters. But it’s not controlled by user input. I just want him to stand there to start.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
(Note: I’ve looked through tons of other similar topic and could not find anything)