UE5, Character doesn't crouch or stand while moving, only when stopped moving does it play the animation

Evening everyone!

First time poster, just trying to figure out what is going on with my project.
I follow the guides & instructions perfectly (from UE & youtube guides), but everytime it comes out a little janky.
I have attempted 3 times to create a fluid CharacterBP with AnimBP along with it, but cannot get the crouch or sprint functions to work correctly. As every time I struggle with being able to crouch & sprint while moving, only when I am not moving does the animation play.

Few other issues i have;
When crouched, if I press ‘crouch’ input again, I notice I go faster & without standing up.
Camera moves in & out when interacting with assests in the world, can’t figure out how to make it not.
Sprint function does not work either.

I have attached the event graphs for both my CharacterBP & AnimationBP, along with AnimGraph in photos, if someone could please give me some insight or hit me up as to what I am doing wrong. Happy to upload BP’s if someone could troubleshoot them for me or point me in the right direction.

Discord: if that is easier to contact me by.
Thanks for your time & any help or efforts are much appreciated!


I suspect your logic is becoming out of sync with that branch and flip flop. I would try to do away with the flip flops when there is a combination of other things going on as it will definitely fall out of sync if it even works at all.

Just go off a branch… if it is true set it to false, if it is false set it to true… update movement speed on both. There is also a built in crouch function simply called “crouch” and “uncrouch”. Additionally there is a crouch walk speed built in that needs to be updated with that functionality that may be part of the culprit as if the character is “crouched” it has its own max speed. I believe it’s called max crouch speed or something along those lines.

P.s. if you want to sprint you can do a branch the same way just make sure you set crouch to false and execute your uncrouch function when you press the sprint button. Make sure to update movement speed also on the pressed and released. That is unless you have some sort of crouching sprint you’d probably have to use an “And” node and set another variable so your anim BP could distinguish that.

Thank you for replying Humanasset.

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Very welcome :smiley: