UE5 Chaos - UGeometryCollectionComponent not working

When I try to create a Geometry Collection component in C++, I keep receiving these errors.

I added the include header: #include "GeometryCollection/GeometryCollectionComponent.h"

My InteractionTrigger.cpp file

Any help is appreciated thanks!

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Hi! Just add module “GeometryCollectionEngine”, it will fix it, mark this as answer

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I would also like to add that, you need to add this module to your projects Build.cs:

And in there you can add it like this:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", 
"CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "EnhancedInput", 
"HairStrandsCore", "AIModule", "NavigationSystem", 
"GeometryCollectionEngine" });

Note: Ignore all modules that are not needed for you.

Also, as a general rule of thumb, I would recommend using forward declarations in your header files. By doing so, you don’t have to include a lot of headers, which can otherwise cause a significant increase in dependencies, leading to slower build times and potential circular dependencies. Forward declarations help to keep the compilation units more independent, ultimately resulting in a more efficient build process.

Here is a simplified way to use forward declaration:

// MyClass.h
#ifndef MYCLASS_H
#define MYCLASS_H

// Forward declaration of the `OtherClass` class
class OtherClass;

class MyClass {
    void doSomething();

    OtherClass* otherClassInstance;  // Pointer to OtherClass

#endif // MYCLASS_H
// MyClass.cpp
#include "MyClass.h"
#include "OtherClass.h"  // Include the full definition of OtherClass here

MyClass::MyClass() : otherClassInstance(nullptr) {}

void MyClass::doSomething() {
    // Now we have access to OtherClass' methods through the pointer
    if (otherClassInstance) {
        // Perform operations using otherClassInstance