UE5 Cathedral-Kuiopo

This is my 3d rendition of an existing cathedral located in Europe. All assets were created by me except the vehicles which are from Epic Games The Matrix City Sample Vehicles.
Modeling was done in Blender, texturing was done using Material Maker, Krita and Blender texturing tools. Rendering and scene setup was done in Unreal Engine 5 using Hardware Lumen and Nanite. Trees and foliage were made using Treeit.


Render Stills:

I composed the music myself with LMMS which is an open source music composing software. The sountrack definitely could be better.

This project was done using completely free or open source software only, so there was no cost on the software side of things. An experiment to see what can be achieved without any paid software used. Special thanks and appreciation to the devs of the above named softwares for making them free to use.
Pls watch 360 videos at highest resolution possible (4k) and turn on loop for the best viewing experience. I sincerely apologize for youtube’s video compression issues while viewing.

You can view more render stills and 360 videos here:




Hi there @Melvixz,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far!

All of the assets being created by you is impressive in itself, let alone how great they all turned out. The flowers are definitely my favorite. Such a large bit of beauty added by something so small :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for sharing your art. Hope to see more of your creations :smiley:

PS: The music is amazing!

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Thanks so much. :pray: Really appreciate the comment :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks. First time trying out a music composing software. :smiley:

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