UE5: Cant access to BP_Widget through another BP_Widget

Hey there,

I’m trying to implement something in ue5 that I already managed to do in ue4.

I have BP_Widget that looks like this:


But, if I will access it through Blueprint like this, it says NOPE:

I can not figure out, what is going wrong. Can anybody help me please?

Thank you =)

When you create an empty level and just add the UMG_Inventory to the viewport (custom GameMode, override map settings, set PawnClass to none, CreateWidget inside level blueprint), does it still show up as invalid?

What happens if you add a delay before the IsValid node?

Where/when do you check if it is valid (in your “game flow”)?

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Thank you so much for your reply. Now, it finally works. An Engine restart fixed the problem. From the code-side of things, it all seems right. Have a nice weekend!