UE5 cannot package project

I made a new blueprint project, selected Platforms/Windows/Package Project
And I got:
“The Binaries for this Target Platform are not currently installed, would you like to use the Launcher to download them?”

What am I missing here?

It looks like Windows 10 SDK 10.0.18362.0 is required even if a newer SDK is installed.

even though it worked for blueprint project, but it did not work for empty C++ project: the same error. Any help?

here is how I fixed it:

  • install windows SDK 10.0.18362.0 from VS Launcher (I had only latest installed). I also installed .net package something like 3.1 (found a link in this forum)
  • uninstall UE5
  • install UE5
    no problem with packaging. Looks like installation should have been done AFTER Windows SDK and .NET are installed. When I package my project, I noticed that UE5 selects 10.0.18362.0 SDK, but not the latest.
    Just verifying UE5 install did not help. Only complete reinstall solved the problem.