UE5 C++ classes not found in project

when I add C++ classes to a Virtual Production project made in UE5, build on VS and open the project, the Source folder is not available in All (Show C++ classes is checked) and filtering for C++ classes shows no results.
Is this a known issue with a known solution?
I also tried moving in this project a C++ class and a Blueprint class made in a C++ Game project where the BP class inherits from the C++ class. VS compiles the C++ class just fine, but upon opening the project in UE it tells me the BP’s class parent is missing, so it’s not just a matter of not finding stuff in the content browser. It’s literally like UE ignores the C++ stuff altogether.
(Edit: nothing like that happened in UE4 for my experience)

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Hmmm, odd behavior indeed. Did you add the C++ class using the editor wizard or through VS? I’ve had issues doing that in the past (creating them outside of the UE editor) with results similar to what you’re experiencing. Have you attempted to recreate the VS files through the project menu?

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I created it using the editor wizard. And yes i’ve also regenerated vs project files. On the VS side everything works fine, classes are there, classes are compiled.
They’re just missing on the UE side.

I don’t know if it’s the same issue - but I’m adding this here in case anyone else has similar problems…

If you compile your project in “Debug” mode, but run your project from the “.uproject” rather than executing it from VS - it will use the “Release” mode code - so if you’ve build new classes in Debug Mode - they won’t be visible until you a) compile in “Release” mode or b) execute your project from Visual Studio.

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